New York Times: They LOVE Me there!

Picture 4-6Shrek-Donkey-Pick-Me

Talk about David and the Web Goliaths. Look at me on the New York Times!

When I first discovered the internet in the mid 90’s, the New York Times was my website of choice. Reading it for free, from my little cyber cafe in San Francisco, was an absolute blast. When I went on the web today, I found my blog headline on their paper [thanks to Blogrunner] and a stream of NYT readers coming over to my humble TallSkinnyKiwi blog. Gotta love it! God bless those NYT editors for their impeccable taste and faultless wisdom. God blessem, every one!

What post did they pick? They chose the post called Without God – which was a short Facebook message Alana Hurst from Portugal sent me today and asked me to pass it on.

PASS IT ON? HAH! I can do better than that . . .

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


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