“Sex Jab” HPV Story is Express Front Page

The Daily/Sunday Express was another paper that contacted us about our story. When I went down to the supermarket to get some veges for our roast, I was surprised and a little intimidated to see that our ordeal was on the front page on the Express. Headlines were “Girl gets sex jab against her will” which is a little more spicy than I would have wanted but the story is good, iand the Express did a great job of keeping our wish that our daughter’s name be anonymous or simply “Gail”. They also agreed with us to keep the geographical details out of the picture.

Can I just say – THANKS DAILY EXPRESS – you treated us better than the other 5 newspapers around the UK and we respect you for that!!!!!!!!

For those confused about the title, “sex jab” refers the HPV immunisation program rolling out across UK to help prevent a STD that can cause cervical cancer. I talked about what happened to us earlier on my blog but if you want to join the conversation on this particular Express article, then jump into this chat at Above Top Secret. Hopefully it wont be nearly as mean and nasty as the Sunday Herald discussion yesterday [thanks to those of you that stuck up for us]

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Best quote from the From the Express article was this:

“Medical expert Dr Richard Halvorsen, author of The Truth About Vaccines, yesterday said he has fears over the safety and effectiveness of the new vaccine.

His worries are backed by US drug regulators, who have refused to licence the UK version of the controversial jab, manufactured by drug giant GlaxoSmithKline, because they believe its safety record has not yet been proven. He said: “The version we are using contains an immune stimulating ingredient – AS04 – with which we have little experience and which may lead to immune related problems in later life.

“I would not give it my daughter. This is being rushed in and it will make billions of pounds for drug companies.”

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • becky says:

    Added a comment to this article – chose not to respond to the vitriol on the Herald board. Life’s too short.

  • Peggy says:

    Looks like they closed the comments for that article…which, based on the comments (vitriol was the same word I used, becky!) at the Herald, that might be okay. It was very difficult to read through them.

  • Peggy says:

    It does seem, however, that there are some conflicting points of information in the article. All the earlier stories mention that the doctor took her aside and then jabbed her, but this one says the nurse did it.
    Any ideas about that, Andrew/Debbie?

  • andrew says:

    the nurses usually do it but our daughter was red flagged as a non-consenter and was dealt with directly with the medical doctor, who gave her the immunization, and not a nurse.

  • I only read one of the newspaper articles but it didn’t mention that your daughter had headaches and a seizure since the vaccine. Have you decided that those were not related?

  • andrew says:

    no. but we really dont know if they are related or not. the seizure was not a typical hypo.
    and we still dont know if anyone with diabetes has been tested with Cervarix.

  • BTW, I thought Debbie sounded very sane and fair in her comments in the paper. She did well to explain what happened in such a way that they couldn’t make her sound like a hysterical religious extremist. Well done, Ms. Jones.

  • Jimbo says:

    Lisa…. is Mrs Jones a hysterical religious extremist?

  • andrew says:

    i dont think she meant to say that.

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