Retro: Sonseed and Jesus is my friend

This month’s header has a retro feel but actually I took the shot last weekend at Lake Tahoe.

Speaking of retro, Prodigal Jon thinks through the 5 stages of emailing an unintentionally funny video like this one below on the Stuff Christians Like blog. HT: Bob Carlton.

Sonseed Logo

The band in question is called “Sonseed”. They are a HUGE hit on YouTube with 4.5 stars and over 2300 comments. You can read the legend of the Sonseed video from Dougsploitation. Lyrics are here in case you want to sing along. Its going to be a close race for the most addictive Christian video in 2008 on YouTube between this one and the Baptist preacher on “He That Pisseth Against the Wall”.


One website reckons Sonseed is fake but Dougsploitation interviews the original members of Sonseed and it appears they are legit.

David Crowder covered the song at his church

– Another church last month played the video alongside “A Thief in the Night”.

– Download album from Cabel.

Lovin’ it? Me too. Now check out these music records I scored recently from a charity shop in Scotland. These are Irish records from 1973 and 1971.



Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


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