For those of you following our story about the coerced jabbing of our daughter with an HPV immunization shot, tomorrow in the Sunday papers around the country there will be an official apology from the health department and hopefully some practical steps to ensure our story, and those of a few other families around the UK, will not be repeated. Good!
We are hoping they will take the immunizations out of the schools – where the school authorities really don’t know what the heck is going on anyway, and give the authority back to the family physicians – which is what usually happens with immunisations. We set up a small blog to track the progress – Its called the Jab Blog
More tomorrow along with links [hopefully] to the papers. We really hope everyone is fairly treated in the media. We hope that the truth emerges. And we hope that we can all be part of making healthy decisions for our children. You can help us by offering good advice and information on the HPV immunisations, by praying for good outcomes, and also by keeping our daughter’s identity private – ie – don’t mention her name in these posts. Thanks.
Technorati Tags: hpv
I was sorry to hear of your families incident with social “do-gooders”.
I have reservations about vaccines and how healthy they are and having a now grown twenty-six year old, twenty two, seventeen and fifteen year olds, I have been battling the balance of health risks for a very long time.
My girls’ medical records could prove to someone that I am a religious nut. I refuse hepatitis vaccines and the other “behavior-related” vaccines but I will accept some childhood disease vaccines. But for me I have weighed the danger. The danger of them getting a behavior related disease is next to nil but the danger of them getting whooping cough is much greater. It is a weighing and deciding that golly I thought was my decision to make no matter what my criteria.
But we will continue to receive not just an opportunity for health and proserity but a coercion by any means, including force, of other people’s version of health and prosperity until they are stopped.
I agree with the comment on your other post that the health care provider who violated your request should have his license removed. Of course this doesn’t remove the damage already caused your daughter and others.
I just learned about your situation and am outraged for you. I’m especially concerned this happened in Scotland! I could imagine this in the US, but not here. Makes me think. I don’t do any vaccinations for my children or myself, so I think I’ll need to be upfront early and remind often the schools when the kids get there.
Which papers apologised? It’s Monday now, so I’ve probably missed the chance to see, but I know my in-laws have a few Sunday papers hanging around still.
I’m really sorry this happened to her. I hope the side effects are no longer affecting her.