My Birthday Today – Want to give me a gift?

My birthday today. I had a big bath, coffee with real cream and now my kids are going to make crepes for me. If they get their lazy butts up, that is. Mum from Australia just called and I chatted with my sister.

And there are 20 [now 50+] birthday messages on my FaceBook wall. THANKS YOU GUYS!!!!!!!

Because we travel so much and because I am a bit of a geek, I usually get digital presents. This year, someone has put up a Wikipedia article on me. Its not 100% percent accurate but I guess its a beginning and a wonderful present.

Unfortunately, there were no links to external sources and it has been FLAGGED as being highly suspect. Would you like to add some links and edits? Be my guest. The link is here on Wikipedia. Someone has put me down as a “blogger” and thats fine with me. Your edits will be a great birthday present. Actually, I cant remember most of my articles and contributions so if you know of one, dig it up and put a link to it. MUCH THANKS!!!!!!


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • brad says:

    it’ll eventually work its way thru the system, but here’s a heads-up on a tell-all blog post for your b-day, dr. a!
    actually, since i’ve only known you a third of your life, it can’t quite be tell-all, but i’ll make it as tall-all as i can and keep adding to it all day. happy b-day, andrew, and keep on rocking on, on the Rock!

  • andrew jones says:

    thanks brad. and since you wrote a BOOK on us [Godspace for the New Edge), maybe a link [hint hint] to your book would secure my spot on wikipedia.
    really, not bribing you but i would buy you coffee when i see you later this month in San Francisco [or Las Vegas)

  • brad says:

    coffee? dude – it’s an essential, never a bribe.
    just posted some stuff i found in my files on GodSpace. best i could do at the mo was a summary from 1996 of your 4 Journeys of Alternative Youth. couldn’t find the original charts of version 1.0 or 2.0 – do you have them in your files?
    we’ll figure out wikipedia stuff later – gotta zip on out for now …
    how were the crepes?

  • Dan says:

    We are the same age and you married on the day of my wife and I first date. Wierd. That must be why I relate so well to you!
    Happy Birthday!

  • juli allen says:

    i’m all over it boss.

  • Mark says:

    Great… really looking forward to the book, can I get a review copy? 😉

  • Happy birthday, Andrew!

  • becky says:

    Is there any coincidence that your b-day coincides with the 10th anniversary of Google?
    Re: Wikki site – I can add a photograph of you if you’d like – the one I have of you though has you touching your nipples, so you might want something more professional. Made a few edits.

  • andrew jones says:

    nobody will believe you Becky.

  • Well, seems I was too late by this post. Anyway, I enjoyed reading this post. Thanks for sharing.

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