

This is the GLORIOUS rib roast I brought down to England for Christmas. When we bought a side of beef from the farmer, I told the butcher to leave this piece whole because we were feeding a lot of people for Christmas. Doesn’t get much better than that if you are a beef eater. Thanks for the photo and lovely poem for me on Love Fiercely.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Gotta give some Kudos…… i think it was TK that took the Paparazzi shot!!!!!!!!! _ _____ so i’m sipp’in some Ardbeg at this moment… to do a proper toast! LOL- thanks for the cyber -street – cred……
    glad you liked the “cheeky poem”- My dad is English/Italian_____ so in that light…. Your posts always “warms me cockles of me ‘art, it does”.—- now looking to balance it out with some good PASTA! Have a blast in Vegas……….
    xo K8

  • Mark E says:

    You are seriously not allowed to post pictures like that. Talk about causing your weaker brother to stumble through drooling with a covetous attitude!

  • just ……”where’s the beef” _ —- thankfully not some cyber- beef jerky!!!!!!!!!!!! But i agree, i’m drooling!!!!!!!!!

  • Steven says:

    Wow. That is a huge piece of meat. Also, just noticed on the left sidebar that your “Listening To” section features an album by the band “Coldcut.” Any connections?

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