Brian McLaren at Lambeth

“. . . decisions could be made in this gathering that I believe really could change history — of setting the challenge of entering this emerging, post-modern world as disciples, as apostles of Jesus Christ, we could change history.”

Brian McLaren at Lambeth

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All the reports seem overwhelming positive about “Emergent Evangelist” Brian McLaren speaking at Lambeth. Episcopal Life have a good article with plenty of quotes and Lambeth Daily has a chat with Brian. Bishop Alan really liked his thoughts also. Anyone else there have some thoughts or response?

Related: Brian McLaren responds to concerns on Tallskinnykiwi

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • becky says:

    I’m elated that Brian mentioned Fresh Expressions – all too often the UK piece of the puzzle gets lots by US emergent voices. But I sense Brian has moved well beyond emergent church ™ as evidenced by his Everything Must Change Tour.

  • Johnny Laird says:

    I’m just glad to have seen that he was there, Andrew…hugely encouraging, even for a non-Anglican Sally Army boy like me!

  • As an Anglican Religious, I am also happy to see him there, we need more voices like his, and his witness that there is FAR more going on there than mere sexual stories.

  • rudy says:

    Anglican Mainstream said: “However, he characterised the African Church as made up of Prosperity Preaching and a dualistic gospel of evacuation to heaven after death. Bishop Sebastian Bakare of Harare noted that the African church is far too diverse to be characterised in this way. It is to be doubted whether missiologists such as Lamin Sanneh and Andrew Walls, or historians such as Philip Jenkins and Terry Ranger, would agree with Brian Maclaren’s too broad brush approach.”

  • Steve K. says:

    Rudy, thanks for sharing that quote. Surely the African church is too diverse to paint with too broad a brush, and yet Brian has been to Africa enough times and spent enough time with African church leaders and theologians to know how deeply rooted prosperity theology and Western evangelical theology is on that continent.
    I don’t think he’s trying to reduce all of African theology down to those two points. Rather he’s raising these as serious issues that African church leaders need to address.

  • Steve, i love how you think bro…. miss ya dude! Get Tripp to do a podcast on ya!
    xo cat

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