Aberdeen with Andrew Walls

This morning I am at Crown Terrace Methodist Church in Aberdeen to hear missiologist Andrew Walls preach and then I will be having lunch with Andrew. I hope he can cook! Really excited about this. Dr Walls is arguably the leading expert on the World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh (1910) and how it panned out over the next century. You can read some of that on this Edinburgh 1910-2010 PDF.

hhhmmmm . . . i should probably start a new blog category called “Shameless Name-dropping”

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • SND would be a cool title……. or just do the (snd) thing next to the name. Could i be one of ’em….. oh please!
    xo cat

  • Andrew – you don’t need a separate category for this, as the whole blog often fits that title just fine! ;0)

  • brad says:

    well, how about a new category called “nameless shamedropping.” You could leave naughty comments all over the net anonymously!
    okay, i know. not a great joke. i should’ve given up and gone to bed at least an hour ago. but i’m a glutton for puns i’ve meant.
    oops. there it goes again …

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