Refreshed after a blog-free weekend and off again on travels.

Ahhh . . life without blog. We all need it every once in a while. I am pleased to say I didn’t blog all weekend and kept away from my computer almost entirely.

I did, on the other hand, catch up on some reading. Books included Intuitive Leadership by Tim Keel (highly recommended, despite a poor title), The Courage to be Protestant by David Wells (not recommended, despite David being a great teacher and writer of the fabulous chapter on ‘prayer as rebellion against the status quo’ in Perspectives), Why We’re Not Emergent by Ted Kluck and Kevin Young (recommended as one of my top 5 emerging-church-critical books but it is more a look at 5 controversial books than the wider emerging church – dang – if the emerging church was what they say it is, i would not be emergent either . . .) And, as my fathers day gift to myself, I stayed in bed on Sunday morning (with breakfast provided by daughter Elizabeth) and got to dip into The Mission of God by Chris Wright which has to be one of the very best books on my shelf and one that is too big to read in a single sitting but perfect for dipping in and out of to re:calibrate my mind around the missional hermeneutic of the Bible and to remind me again why I am arrogant enough to suggest, along with Chris, that it is a far superior framework to understand the Scriptures. I also pulled out my 1835 leather bound version of D’Aubigne’s History of the Reformation and was enjoying the parallels between that revolution and the one we are going through today we are calling the emerging church.

We turned the Sorting Room into a micro-threatre on Saturday night and played a Serbian movie. On Sunday afternoon, since the windows were blacked out and the projector set up anyway, we played A Night at the Museum and invited dads and their kids. We ate popcorn and pizza heated up on the Rayburn wood stove and it was a really good experience.

Cleaning attic today because Dan Hughes and his 2 daughters will be here in a week from Dallas (Dan is the vintage blogger behind They Blinked).

I leave tonight for a weeks worth of meetings. I will be in Amsterdam for Wednesday for a missions meeting with some American friends and I hope to stick my head in the WiMAX Forum Global Congress and check out the future of mobile broadband . Then off to London on Thursday for day 2 of the Cell UK European Symposium. Saturday and Sunday in Kristiansund, Norway with the Dawn Europe Network to discuss the future of church planting movements across Europe and our tiny, inconspicuous part in the whole scheme of things.

Appreciate prayers for travel and for wisdom in my meetings and for my family at home, safety and sanity and the comforting knowledge of God as their Father and Portion. I will probably not be blogging much so have a great week everyone and Happy Fathers Day for yesterday to all the Dads.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.

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