Whitsunday and Pentecost

“This day is called Wytsonday because the Holy Ghost brought wytte and wisdom into Christis disciples … and filled them full of ghostly wytte.” — In die Pentecostis

Happy Whitsunday! In the UK, Pentecost is often referred to as Whitsunday which is a reference to the wisdom given to us by the Holy Spirit. I like the word “wit” – it speaks to me of a smart quick wisdom with an edge of humor. Some countries call it White Sunday (like Iceland) but since red was the traditional ecclesiastic colour for the Holy Spirit, I dont think the argument that the believers wore white is a strong one in determining the origin of “Whitsunday”. Wisdom makes more sense to me.

This morning I am speaking at Stromness Baptist Church. My Pentecostal message will look at what Pentecost meant to Israel and the church that was born that day – themes of judgement, companionship, community, ecumencism (the whole earth as the scope of God’s love and mission) and of course, wisdom and wit.

Interesting to note that the Italians sometimes sprinkle red rose petals to symbolize the tongues of fire, thus calling this day Pasqua rosatum.


CommiesI am wearing my red Copyleft t-shirt to church. It symbolizes not only the gift economy of the internet but on this occasion, the giving freely of the Holy Spirit despite the desire of the religious leaders to keep God for themselves.

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.

1 Comment

  • John L says:

    “I am wearing my red Copyleft t-shirt to church. It symbolizes not only the gift economy of the internet but on this occasion, the giving freely of the Holy Spirit despite the desire of the religious leaders to keep God for themselves.”
    Andrew, that is a deeply layered statement, and I’m very happy you said it.

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