The Message of Prince Caspian

UPDATE: Joe Carter at Evangelical Outpost calls Caspian the best ever war movie made for kids. He likes it more than the book and the previous movie.


Bob Beltz is a Narnia Geek. This is the back of car – the wheel cover was custom made for him.

Bob is also a pastor of a church and, like many pastors and ministers, sees spiritual truths in terms of potential messages.

After previewing Prince Caspian (see below) Bob comes up with 4 messages:

Message One: The return to faith.

Message Two: We walk by faith, not by sight.

Message Three: Three kinds of “people.”

Message Four: Fight the good fight.

Read his blog post to see the details. Just don’t forget to give Bob credit if you steal his message this Sunday.


Caspian-Guest-PassThats what the guest pass looked like for the preview of Prince Caspian. Obviously . . . you and I did not receive one. My friends Bob and Allison Beltz did, and Bob has posted the world’s first blog review. He also challenges the churches to get creative and figure out how to use it. In his words . . . .

“The release of Prince Caspian provides another opportunity for churches and ministries to utilize a resource that cost nearly $200 million dollars to produce. The awareness of the general public about the film is at the 95% level, which means almost anyone you talk to knows about the film. Go use it for the kingdom!”

Related: IMDB, trailer, Wikipedia, NarniaWeb

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • John L says:

    $200M? What an enormous amount of energy we expend to entertain ourselves.
    Just heard that some friends of ours wrote a song for the movie. It’s quote good – I blogged it.

  • andrew says:

    it might be a waste if nobody uses the opportunity.

  • Tony Stiff says:

    Love the new look and feel, great!

  • chad says:

    I checked it out last night and I am thinking about seeing it again with a few of the people I minister too.
    While L.W.W is a bit more “up front” with allegory, I think that Prince Caspian actually treats the incarnation in a “better” way. My favorite part of the story is the “not the same way twice” theme. Many times we look back at what God did previously and ask for the same thing. There is also an interesting idea involving Aslan and him not coming back, because they (narnians) never really deny his existence.
    Thanks for the links to Bob.

  • Chris says:

    Interesting enough. When Peter attacks the first time sword drawn he yells “for Narnia”, when all looks lost sword drawn he yells, “For Aslan” and wins.

  • joe says:

    OK, help me out here. How is this not just another opportunity dreamed up by the movie companies to get Christians into the cinema?
    Narnia has not ‘aged well’, to modern ears the allegory is too obvious. Rather than forcing ourselves to watch and participate in such odious marketing, we’d do well to engage with movies that are actually good rather than those with some dubious ‘christian’ rubber stamp.

  • andrew says:

    joe, if you ever make a movie with a transcendent message, come back and we will give you a special blog post here.

  • len says:

    $200 million.. just think how we could have used that money to build another large church. Oh.. I guess that would be sort of a clubby thing to do eh?

  • Jon Reid says:

    Sigh. It’s too bad that it sucked.

  • patrick says:

    the makers of Prince Caspian kept to the original story better than i would have expected… i had heard they were going to make it into a silly pure-action flick, but thankfully this was not the case

  • Is this the same Prince Caspian that tried to be the salvation of Narnia? Great messages, I guess I’ll have to see it.

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