Five Senses BBQ

On Saturday we went out for a BBQ on the beach, hosted by Malcolm and Rachel. Malcolm runs the All Five Senses Tours in Orkney and does the whole fire-starting, connect with nature, survival in the wild, windy, wacky, wilderness thing. And his BBQ was PRETTY IMPRESSIVE!


The menu was nettle soup, grilled limpets, sausages on willow branches, dandelion leaf salad, potatoes roasted in the embers, and for the climax . . . half a lamb cooked in the ground on hot stones, wrapped in seaweed and covered over for 4 hours.


The lamb was spectacular. Only pepper was added. The salt taste came from the seaweed and it was just the right amount. Malcolm felt that 3 1/2 hours would have been perfect but we were all too infatuated with this neo-lithic Orkney ordeal to argue. Well done, Malcolm!!!

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.

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