The week ahead

This coming week’s highlights, so that you can shift everything in your life to coincide seamlessly with my blog.

[AS IF . . . ]

Today, Debbie comes back after 3 days at the National Scottish Pottery bash in Pitlochry.

Tuesday I go to London, again, and meet with Shannon Hopkins. Charles Colson turns up here on my blog to talk about his new book “The Faith”

Wednesday I go to Colorado to meet some people interested in new forms of mission and to hang out with Elbert.

Thursday I will probably post an email interview with Brian McLaren that may shed some light on his book “Everything Must Change”.

Weekend in San Francisco Bay Area for informal meetings with the same folk from Colorado and their family. Not sure if i will have time to connect with the SF emerging tribe or not. Or even if i will have time for my mandatory breakfast at Pork Store Cafe on Haight Street.

Monday afternoon I am in Austin, Texas for Derek Chapman’s birthday and then some more meetings with Texans over the next few days.

And then home to consider how many trees we will need to plant in Orkney to offset my jetset.

Apart from that, not much going on this week.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


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