Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday in Orkney. Its snowing outside and quite cold. Nice to be back with my family after 10 days on the road in the most harshest, heathen lands you could imagine.

And speaking of all things heathen and pagan, we decided to do away with the easter eggs this morning and instead we hid some fair-trade chocolate bars around the house for the kids to find. Then we went down to the local Baptist church where they had an easter egg hunt [oh well . . so much for trying]. After church, we all went over to the local Brethren Gospel Hall because we were baptising a few people (great Easter tradition) and they had a baptismal that we could use.


Some of the Gospel Hall folk stayed around for the baptism which was great because they have a very formal dress code with all the men wearing suits and the ladies in black and with dark head coverings. In our group . . . well . . . lets just say that I usually dress down for church so I don’t stick out. Anyway, I took this photo inside the Gospel Hall this morning that depicts that culture clash. How great that we can all get along!


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Mike says:

    What a great pic. Nice to see believers from differnt back grounds hanging out.
    Have a great Easter

  • Mike says:

    What a great pic. Nice to see believers from differnt back grounds hanging out.
    Have a great Easter

  • sunny side or scrambled.. on the egg question…
    all about what you do with it….. right?
    xo cat

  • Ted says:

    Glad you were in the heathen land of Austin! 🙂
    I have to ask – is this court jester type hat for real or some kind of new Easter frock?? No criticism, just curious.

  • andrew says:

    She often wears that hat. I think she just likes it.

  • ally simpson says:

    Man this is hilarious to me! I was brought up in a brethren background here in N.ireland and that is so foreign……….it just wouldnt happen here, at least not in my personal experience! Tis great Andrew
    Do you ever talk theological matters with any of the brethren men? Id love to hear about that if you do

  • becky says:

    Ted – I saw a hat for sale like that in a ski shop – apparently it’s the latest style.

  • Heidi Renee says:

    now THERE’S a headcovering this former brethren woman could get behind! 🙂

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