Fuller student Adam Mellem just told me I can upload his paper on A Theology of Profanity [PDF], a paper drawing on many sources including my little blog post called Offensive language: I think my mother taught me.
Related: Al Mohler’s Stand on Emergent Profanity by Mark Van Steenvyk, currently circling the blogosphere, is SATIRE. Adam did not quote it, obviously, but if you quote it in an academic paper then you will get points deducted. Especially if you attend Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. But Fuller’s Barry Taylor will probably give you top marks. Hi Barry!
Thanks for posting this Andrew. Never thought I’d see so much profanity in seminary paper. Adam’s thoughts are well articulated and helpful.
i really can’t wait to read this…it looks good.
good stuff. we have been collecting items like this over the last few years on our church forum…temporarily offline, but you can read it as “Blessings of Profanity” here:
or find by googling 3dff.com and “blessings of profanity: