First of all, I am now allowed to tell you that our new media book won a coveted award a few days ago from the Society for New Communications Research. My chapter is on the dark side of blogging, a haunting confessional piece called “The Ugly Blogger”. The other chapters, although not nearly as metaphysically searching and psychologically demanding as my own [he he he] are also great and you will recognize a lot of bloggers from my world – see the list at Microclesia.
The book is part of the Wikiklesia Project and is called Voices of the Virtual World: Participative Technology and the Ecclesial Revolution. It was conceived in May 2007 as an experiment in collaborative pubilshing and is described as a “collective, chaordic conversation on how emerging technologies are impacting the church.” You can buy it as e-book or paper version on Lulu. I bought both but I found that, at 340 pages long, the paper version was easier to read.
“Uttered like a prayer retrieved from the year 2030, spoken in a new tongue, a new form. Listen!”
– Kevin Kelly, Co-Founder / Executive Editor WIRED Magazine.
Anyway, all proceeds [and i mean ALL – I got nothing for contributing and i even had to buy my own damn copies] go to social oriented charities, with a focus on stopping human trafficking. Which reminds me, the Truth Isnt Sexy Campaign, [not connected to the book] desperately needs some money to buy more beermats for pubs in UK. Let me know if you can help and I will connect you.
Technorati Tags: books, new media, voices of the virtual world, wikilesia
Here’s a list (via John La Grou) of the very capable writers who contributed to this project and deserve congratulations. (Note that all proceeds from the book go to the Not for Sale campaign.)
Voices editors
Voices authors
Andrew Jones
Andrew Perriman
Bill Kinnon
Bob Hyatt
Brad Sargent
Brother Maynard
Calvin Park
Cynthia La Grou
Cynthia Ware
David Hayward
Derek Flood
Drew Goodmanson
Ed Brenegar
Heidi Campbell
Jo Guldi
Joe Suh
John Sexton
Br. Karekin Yarian, BSG
Katharine Moody
Kester Brewin
Matt Reece
Michael Lissack
Mike Morrell
Mike Riddell
Peggy Brown
Rex Miller
Rick Meigs
Scot McKnight
Scott Andreas
Scott McClellan
Scott Ragan
Stephen Garner
Stephen Shields
Steve Scott
Steve Knight
Stuart Murray Williams
Thomas Hohstadt
Wild Grace
Hmmm…I recall some specially subsidized and hand-delivered copies ;^)
Congrats on winning the prize! I enjoyed the mp3 version of the “Voices of the Virtual World”, which I downloaded a few months ago (thanks for providing this book in an mp3 format!). I appreciated the variety of contributors, each with their respective spin. Great stuff! I recommend this book/ebook/mp3 to all!
Michel in Canada
please visit
you will see PHOTOS of WHO and WHERE Bin Laden and his NETWORKS ARE….
hi peggy – may i remind you that i bought the online copy and then bought one from you. The one after that was a gift – thanks.
. .. you’re soooo picky!!!
Well, Andrew…methinks you protest too loudly…the Abbess was probably just a little quick to get out the old ruler and give your knuckles a rap for your salty language bemoaning your plight. ;^)
Thanks for this wonderful post you put up here with all the great images and links!
Blessings…hope the old ruler didn’t break any skin :^)