Tom Brokaw reports on the emerging church in USA for Nightly News. Video shows PineRidge Church‘s Tadd Grandstaff mixing the cocktail and Al Mohler adding the bitters.
HT: Denny Burk and Steve Knight.
Click on Tadd’s lips to watch the movie
Related: USA Today looks at bloggers and denominations in an article called Bloggers keep the faith, contentiously
Pomomusings has some honest criticism regarding this interview.
Technorati Tags: emerging church
I’m part of Pine Ridge and have posted a couple items about Pine Ridge and the NBC story on my site, with some mixed reaction in the comments. Also, Pine Ridge pastor Tadd Grandstaff blogs.
I’m part of Pine Ridge and have posted a couple items about Pine Ridge and the NBC story on my site, with some mixed reaction in the comments. Also, Pine Ridge pastor Tadd Grandstaff blogs.
thanks Brian. I will add his blog link to my post. i didnt know you were involved with pine ridge. – wow – i am amazed he was able to snatch that domain name, with such a common name as that. i bet he really peed off thousands of Tadd Grandstaffs out there – dont you think?
Was it just me or did that guy with the monster beard have a really high voice?
As Artie Johnson used to say: “Very interesting.”
Though I’d see Grandstaff more in the new evangelical church planting group with guys like Perry Noble, Gary Lamb and Steven Furtick than the EC.
Wow, I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but … I think I agree with Ken Silva on this one! 😉
I agree that there is a difference between “the new evangelical church planting” folks (as Ken called them) and the broader emerging church movement. My hope is that this “new evangelical church planting” stream is a little more open to the rest of the emerging church movement than, say, Ken and Apprising has been.
I think there was some confusion of terms. At one point, the reporter seemed to be referring to ‘evangelists’ when I think he meant evangelicals.
“I think I agree with Ken Silva on this one!”
Hooooo-eeee! We’d best pray that the pretribulation rapture is true.
Cuz that kinda thang’ll bring on the apocalypse hoss! 😉
Ken has a point – since Tadd’s church is structured like a traditional church – it EVEN HAS A PASTOR and a regular service and stage and is really quite different from a lot of emerging churches in usa and around the world that look a lot different.
but the emerging church term has become so broad that even churches like Rob Bell’s are now considered “emerging”
which means the term hardly means anything at all since it is so broad
but the important thing to me is not whether pineridge is emerging or emergent or not . . who cares? . . the important thing is that they are ’emerging’ into the kind of called out community they need to be to witness prophetically, holistically and fully inside that particular culture.
and from my viewpoint, it sounds as if they are on the right track.
Seems to me to be a fairly right-wing church which uses a rock bank and meets in an old supermarket. Other than the rock band, what is the big deal?
Hey Joe. I might or might not agree with you on whether Pine Ridge is fairly right wing – what do you mean by that?
Conservative, evangelical, white, middle class etc etc etc. Previously mates with Jerry Falwell.
He says the church is non-political, but the chances are that it reflects the community he originates from.
“it sounds as if they are on the right track.”
And herein Andrew is where we part company; because while PR is not an emerging community/gathering per se, it is on the same semi-pelagian track.
Ken – please explain what you mean.
Andrew…thanks so much for your words bro! I try to not pay too much attention to the “naysayers”! They are always out there!
Keep up the awesome work man and thanks again!
I think the issue is whether one considers this a “movement” or that many are coming out of different backgrounds and see that the main point of our faith is being missed.
So emerging conversation is and has been more my thinking since I “joined”.
To me it is about many talking it out… be it missional, or experimental congregations… Shoot even Ken Silva’s church is in the very broad sense part of the emerging conversation as he has a house church and does not meet in a building… very progressive there….
Yet, the core value has been respect and those who criticize it as a movement also say they have a hard time pegging us down… and that is becuase it is not a movement.
To me the Seed has been scattered and some took it and went one way… and some another. I may not agree with some and actually see some ec’ers missing the point also.
Yet, with any movement of God, there are those that the Seed gets planted firmly in and it grows and produces fruit… as there are those that the Seed may be caught and grows a little but it dies as the person did not see it as the Living God in them, but as some sort of fad to grow a church or to be cool.
Be Blessed,