Kids in Church

I never blog the chain emails I get but this one has some merit so I will post it. Thanks Rebecca Pipik from Germany.

I also post it for Mrs May Stockan, the dear lady who lives in my town, has just got a computer with broadband, and what she is most excited about is reading my blog. May turns 80 this Sunday but she looks a lot younger and sure acts younger.


[was that print large enough for you to read?]



3-year-old Reese:

“Our Father, Who does art in heaven,

Harold is His name.




There are about 7 more but they are on the next page.

Just click that coloured sentence below that says

Continue reading “Kids in Church”.

. . . cant see it?

Go and get your glasses dear!

Thats right.

And make a cup of tea while you are at it.

Right – now click on it and read the rest!

There you go.

A little boy was overheard praying:

“Lord, if you can’t make me a better boy, don’t worry about it.

I’m having a real good time like I am.”


After the christening of his baby brother in church,

Jason sobbed all the way home in the back seat of the car.

His father asked him three times what was wrong.

Finally, the boy replied,

“That preacher said he wanted us brought up in a Christian home,

and I wanted to stay with you guys.”


One particular four-year-old prayed,

“And forgive us our trash baskets

as we forgive those who put trash in our baskets.”


A Sunday school teacher asked her children as they

were on the way to church service,

“And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?”

One bright little girl replied,

“Because people are sleeping.”


A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons, Kevin 5, and Ryan 3.

The boys began to argue over who would get the first pancake.

Their mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson.

“If Jesus were sitting here, He would say,

‘Let my brother have the first pancake, I can wait.’

Kevin turned to his younger brother and said,

“Ryan, you be Jesus!”


A father was at the beach with his children

when the four-year-old son ran up to him,

grabbed his hand, and led him to the shore

where a seagull lay dead in the sand.

“Daddy, what happened to him?” the son asked.

“He died and went to Heaven,” the Dad replied.

The boy thought a moment and then asked,

“Why did God throw him back down?”


A wife invited some people to dinner.

At the table, she turned to their six-year-old daughter and said,

“Would you like to say the blessing?”

“I wouldn’t know what to say,” the girl replied.

“Just say what you hear Mommy say,” the wife answered.

The daughter bowed her head and said,

“Lord, why on earth did I invite all these people to dinner?”



Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Peggy says:

    Oh, Andrew…I love this batch! Especially the one about trash baskets!
    Howdy, May! Happy Birthday…and give Andrew a wee hug for me when you next see him, won’t you?

  • Brian says:

    Oh lovely May… Happy Birthday.. and God bless you… you made us feel so at home in Orkney!!!

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