Danger and The Emerging Church

Excuse the title. I just wanted to attract the attention of EC critics and wish them a very happy Christmas! Hey we LOVE you people and we thank you for proof-reading everything we write without compensation. God bless you all!

danger will robinson

Congratulations, in particular, to Roger Oakland for making number one in a YouTube search for “emerging church”, top five for a google search for “emerging church” and the publication of an anti-emerging church book called Faith Undone – which is actually worth buying if you are interested in the history and what many fundamentalists don’t appreciate about the emerging church. Gary Gilley has a review of the book already but it doesn’t seem very objective.

Roger Oakland is Emerging Church’s Critic of the Year, for sure. But speaking of danger and the emerging church, here is some good reading:


– John Armstrong lands on the greatest danger for Reformed Christianity

Chris Wright suggests that mission without reformation would be deluded, self-defeating and event DANGEROUS. HT: RealMealMinistries.org [I really like Chris Wright]
Scot McKnight steps out on the ‘dangerous’ ground of politics.

– Eugene Peterson quoted in a discussion about the Golden Compass as saying, “Religion is the most dangerous energy source known to humankind”.

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


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