15 Book Review Marathon : Thursday 8th on TSK

15 Book Review Marathon. Thats November 8th, all day. I have a whole bunch of books that I have read and I need to review on this blog. Its going to be a long and arduous day of blogging my way through these books. Come and join the fun.

51Mxhr56Dsl. Aa240 There will be a special guest blogger coming here during the day to talk about his book. Christian Marathon runner runner S. E. Gregg, is author of “The Christian Olympics-Going for the Gold Crowns” and he will be around for a few hours to chat with you and answer any questions. Official word: “Best-selling author and Bible curriculum writer, S. E. Gregg will embark on the first eight-website tour on Monday, November 5, 2007 for “The Christian Olympics-Going for the Gold Crowns”, the unveiling of the Bible’s comparison of the Christian race to the Olympic Games. Tour events include blogging, forum discussions, interviews and book reviews.”

Here are the books I will be reviewing:

Faith Undone by Roger Oakland

A Community Called Atonement, by Scot McKnight

The Blogging Church, by Brian Bailey

Breaking the Missional Code, by Ed Stetzer and David Putnam

The Hidden Power of Electronic Culture, How Media Shapes faith, the Gospel, and Church, by Shane Hipps

The Reformation: how a monk and a mallet changed the world, by Stephen J. Nichols

Blog: Understanding the Information Reformation thats changing your world, by Hugh Hewitt

Inside the Organic Church: Lessons from 12 Emerging Congregations, by Bob Whitesel

God on Mute: Engaging the Silence of Unanswered Prayer, by Pete Grieg

Soul Graffiti, by Mark Scandrette

Being Church Where We Live, Ron McKenzie

Changing Mission: Learning from the newer churches, by Stuart Murray

Justice in the Burbs, Will and Lisa Samson

Organic Community, by Joseph Myers

Simple Church, by Thom Rainer and Eric Geiger

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • theonlypj says:

    looking forward to the book review blog-athon. best of luck and i hope you have some good coffee on hand!
    on the side – you do bring the Reformation into the mix quite often (and rightly so!), but I’ve grown up in the US Restoration movement (Christian Church/Church of Christ) – I’d really enjoy your thoughts on the Restoration movement…if and when you’ve got time

  • andrew says:

    PJ – just this morning i was thinking about the restoration movement (i am serious) and was thinking about doing some research because i dont know that much about it.
    can you recommend some links? articles?

  • Bob Cornwall says:

    The Restoration Movement — also known and perhaps better referenced to as the Stone Campbell Movement — includes three different groups, the Church of Christ, the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ, and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The last would in general be the more liberal (and its the one I belong to).
    Here is one link: http://www.stone-campbellhistory.com/
    Here is another — this one is full of links:
    The website for the Disciples is http://www.disciples.org.
    Hope these help!

  • book review marathon

    Andrew Jones over at TallSkinnyKiwi is blogging all day today about books he’s recently read. When he announced this feat, he was going to post 15 book reviews. At the time of this writing, I counted 9 book reviews (and

  • Mark says:

    With all that reading no wonder your book is taking such a long time to “emerge” 😉

  • theonlypj says:

    hey friend,
    sorry it took me a week to respond! too much Thanksgiving prep on the brain.
    The above links from Bob are good, and so is christianchronicler.com
    Hit up the ‘restoration history pages’ link in the middle. Then hit up ‘the kentucky christians’ and read the next 3 pages.
    Good lookin’ blog – though I preferred the wider black and blue layout of yesterweek!
    Thanks bro,

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