Global Christian Internet Alliance: Day Two

At the Global Christian Internet Alliance, Tuesday. Berlin. Lots of 5 minute presentations this morning. I gave mine on Church Mission Society and their web strategy which has more to do with dispersed sites and empowering user-generated content than attracting everyone to a single portal. I mentioned Jonny Baker – a leading Christian blogger in UK – as a good example. I also mentioned which, at the top search result for “emerging church” next to Wikipedia, is a pretty good effort for a 200+ year old mission agency. The prayer lava lamp was also given a test run.

Oh yeah. And I mentioned a new effort called the Global Mission Fund which is forming in partnership with the Mission Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance. Dr Sas Conradie is the man behind this and I am representing him here. As for the rumor that I preformed interpretive dance during his powerpoint presentation . . .. well .. . you will have to ask someone who was here.

Other presenters, with the exception of some dangerous countries that i will not mention here,

Cliff Johnson talked about Bible stuff with and a new partnership with STL.

Kyle Young is part of a broadcasting/content group in USA called

Judith Becker of gave a short brief on phone technology and Japanese students.

Rusty Wright of Probe Ministries is an internet writer with over 150 articles online. One of them called “Dynamic Sex” gets a lot of hits.

Tony Whittaker of Internet Evangelism Day and, which is a part of WEC.

more later.

Blogging From the GCIA: Day One, Day Two, Day Three, Day Four


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.

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