Off to Harpenden. London has been a really fantastic time. Sorry I havent blogged much – had trouble logging on. I will post some images and thoughts when i get a chance.
I didnt make the Deep Church seminar last night since we stayed later in Oxford but we did manage to make a visit to the Eagle and Child (C.S. Lewis’s favourite pub) and have a very brief discussion of Lewis – who coined the term “Deep Church” in the 50’s. I think having an ale next at the Eagle and Child in Oxford is a FAR better venue than a theological college in London for having a discussion like this. Dont you?????
I agree completely re: the venue! I am SO looking forward to having a Guiness on my first trip to the Emerald Isle this Saturday! Meeting with a group of “out of the box” Christians and a guy named Wayne Jacobsen. Do you know him?
Gutted to have missed the opportunity of buying you a pint at the ‘Baby and Bird’…
Our “Kindlings Muse”podcast is based on the “Inklings.” One version is done at a pub (Hales) another, a “CS Lewis Show” is at the University of Washington Burke Museum Cafe. You can listen at (check under tab marked Podcast Index).
The deep church seminar which you missed out on was good in that Graham Tomlin’s talk on Luther’s theology of the cross was interesting pretty interesting, though I was lost as to what it had to do with deep church maybe I was missing something while struggling to stay awake.
The “Bird and Baby” pub was one of mine and my wife’s highlights on our 9-month around the world trip in 96-97. Now it just a faint memory as the 4 kids keep up occupied, and we crank up the volume on Christianity as we build our warehouse church in Chicago.