
Great to be in Montreal. I havent been here since 1986 when i sailed here on the MV Logos and enjoyed my very first date ever with Debbie who would later become my wife.

Schedule is very busy. Dave Brazzeal is working me to death but is feeding me well so i wont complain. He has a schedule on his blog for those who still want to jump in and learn about the global emerging church movement and chat about the contribution of the Canadian scene to that movement, especially Francophone Canada.

For those that have ended up in these meetings, I will write up a summary of what i am saying, including links to relative material, when i get a chance and i will post it here. Probably next week sometime.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • Linda says:

    Welcome back to Canada, Andrew. it’s good to have you gracing our soil on Earth day!

  • cloudburst says:

    and don’t forget to get some of that amazing montreal smoked meat!! yum!

  • Karl says:

    Hello Andrew! It was truly a blessing meeting you! Hopefully see you again soon.

  • Michel says:

    Hello Andrew,
    It was really good to meet/hear/interact with you and the others Saturday. Awesome time. Still thinking through the implications…
    All the best as you continue your North-American leg of your journey…have a safe and fruitful time. God’s blessings on you and your family.

  • Paul says:

    Thanks for the Sunday evening, Andrew, I thought it was great that it started to get a little probey from your questioners towards the end, an encouraging sign of life and thought! And you were quite graceful. I’ll miss the meeting at the park. Keep up the good work.

  • Steve says:

    Andrew, thank you for Monday in Montreal; for your insights and encouragments. I felt like you were able feed people who were hungry to know how to move forward while still offering encouragements to those who are just beginning to ask questions.

  • andrew jones says:

    After our final handshake at the airport early on Tuesday morning, my spirit was filled with gratitude and thanks as I drove back home. I repeatedly thanked the Father for you and your visit to Montreal and your work for him around the world.
    Godpseed! Dave Brazzeal

  • After our final handshake at the airport early on Tuesday morning, my spirit was filled with gratitude and thanks as I drove back home. I repeatedly thanked the Father for you and your visit to Montreal and your work for him around the world.

  • Duane says:

    Thanks for your visit Andrew, and thanks for your wisdom that you shared so graciously. Welcome back anytime for some flying squirrel wine.
    Duane, Mimi, and Jérémie

  • Bill Kinnon says:

    Great to finally meet you in 3D. Thanks for the interview time. Look forward to getting you to Toronto at some point in the not to distant future.

  • robbymac says:

    I was going to ask you to make sure to say “hi from robbymac” if you met a guy named Goober. He was in our alt.vineyard experiment in Winnipeg back around 2001.
    Now get your butt to British Columbia. Len Hjalmarson & I would love to treat you to a Guinness in Kelowna BC.

  • Robbymac: TSK did get to meet the famous Guber, twice in fact. He’s part of our community.

  • GOOBER!!!!! hard to miss him! what a character!! hes a great guy and he promised to send me a link to his transformers.

  • robbymac says:

    Glad you got to meet the notorious Guber (and hopefully the lovely Mrs. Guber as well). I had the privilege of performing their wedding in Winnipeg a few years back. Guber still emails us with zaniness and updates. He LOVES curieux; speaks very highly of what you guys are doing in Montreal.
    And his Transformers shrine is a sight to behold, believe you me!

  • Benoit says:

    Hey Andrew,
    It was good meeting you
    : ]

  • Guber says:

    Heeyyyyy Skinny Kiwi dude! Here’s that weblink I promised. Its a site where you can get all the latest info on Tranformers toys, cartoons, movie news, art, everything! And also a Wikipedia link for an overview of the Transformers toy line, and story continuity.
    It was swell meeting you! Thanks for being so tall! I encourage you to play with matches and run with scissors!

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