Catching my breath in London

Ahhhhhhhh. Internet again. I dont have my computer on this trip and so blogging is sporadic. My apologies. Heres an update.

Camp was fantastic and the whole family loved it. Great people, great time.

Friday we went to Birmingham for the day and drove through the night, getting a few zzzzz’s in the rest areas once or twice in the night. Saturday we ended up at a friends house in Gifford, south of Edinburgh, where we stayed the night. Sunday I dropped the family off in Aberdeen where they sailed home on the LOVE BOAT. I flew down to London on a standby which was nice of British Airways, considering my flight was supposed to be Monday.

Stayed last night with Shannon and Anita, and went for a drink at the Prospect of Whitby, one of the oldest pubs in London with a history going back to 1510.

Meeting today with CMS in London and off to Switzerland tomorrow morning for Eurochurch conference.

I feel REALLY good. Travel pumps me up and helps me to see life from a fuller perspective. Had a nice prayerful walk through London this morning on the way to work. I seem to function better in motion than being still. Must be how I was made. Thankful that I have a job that lets me move around and be involved in many places.

My copy of John MacArthur’s book The Truth War arrived and I have read it through. It was a little depressing, reading his critique of the emerging church which he likened to a poopslide (from a Greek word in the letter of Jude meaning a poop stain on one’s undergarment, as in an unfortunate SKID, you know what i mean). Must say more on this later but for now, let me just say that the Emerging Church is not, I repeat, NOT the new skid on the jock.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • I look forward to your critiue of The Truth War. I do see some pockets of Emergent Church (TM) which strike me as having poopsicle components here in the States. Those are the aspects of the movement that tend to get critiqued in The Wittenburg Door.

  • Mark E says:

    Its a shame that such a thorough Bible scholar is becoming more and more known for what he stands against, rather than what he stands for.

  • Jon Harris says:

    “I seem to function better in motion than being still.”
    Maybe connected with this?

  • Philip says:

    As Mark E says, it is depressing that such a top scholar has become so reactive instead of proactive. Instead of being in the ‘Emergent Church’ he is in the ‘Reactionary Church’ 🙂

  • Alan Cross says:

    “Not the new skid on the jock.” Thanks for making me laugh out loud, Andrew!

  • Bald Man says:

    That is indeed priceless…

  • robbymac says:

    new skid…???
    DANG, but I’m WAY too visual to read this blog without prior warning!
    Y’know, when Johnny Mac sticks to teaching about the Bible, he’s a real asset to the Body. When he starts acting like an attack-trained wiener dog, he’s just an ass.

  • bea says:

    andrew, you are too funny! not sure i was reaady to laugh so loud at such short notice this time in the morning!
    glad your travelling is going well. looking forward to when you next travel through sheffield.
    love bea

  • Jenelle says:

    Oh my. “new skid on the jock.” Clever boy. Hilarious

  • bryan riley says:

    LOL. It seems much of intellectual Christianity sees anything of a fisherman’s or carpenter’s quality as skid-like. Hmmmm, it makes me wonder.
    If you are ever coming up this way to B’ham, I sure hope to receive an email or something to let me know how I can run into you!! We are car-less, so I am less mobile than I am used to, but I’d love to find a way to meet you. We are about 20 miles to the east of B’ham.

  • Oli says:

    Glad you enjoyed a drink in the Prospect of Whitby, it is a pretty good pub.

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