Michael Frost: Unless a Seed Falls

I had to endure 6 audio sessions of Michael Frost. This is part of the required preparation for a camp I am teaching at in a few weeks for American IMB missionaries in UK. Frosty is a Baptist teacher that i met down in Sydney in 2002, when he invited me to speak to a group down there. He is also the author of Exiles (see Len’s review), and co-author of The Shaping of Things To Come which I think are among the top ten books for emerging church.

The series is Unless a Seed Falls 1-6. Its actually pretty good stuff. Actually, it was great and my wife listened in. She is not a big fan of many of my emerging church friends. She thinks they are usually far too traditional. But Frosty she liked. I like him too. He does HONESTY in a way that only Aussies can do and he brings that into his talks. Worth a listen.

When I get a chance, I might also listen to Michael Frost interviewed by Rodney Olsen.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Rodney Olsen says:

    Thanks for the link. 🙂

  • Cathryn Thomas says:

    Hi andrew… hope you got my email…. i posted it on the blog with a picture…… D&A and i were talking tonight… about our friends death… ps… he was 30 and had a 3 year old plus a 13 year old (wife’s child ect)…..
    He was a worship leader and a friend….. and when we were all talking and praying tonight on skype…. the Lord gave D…. the verse about the seed falling and dying…. so i was taking to A…… and i felt the Lord’s elbow nudge to check your blog…… and there it was…hmmmm….. Thank you Lord…. just for your confirmation….. You heard Him tonight Andrew… and didn’t even know what you were posting on a MUCH deeper level…. Thanks for hearing HIM… and comforting our hearts….
    bless you…. K8

  • Wayne Field says:

    Aussies don’t often feel like world leaders but there’s some great stuff coming out of here right now.

  • Lyn says:

    Looking forward to listening to this series – thanks for the link.

  • You might also be interested in these three talks by Mike Frost, recorded at the Future Church event in Southampton, 3-4 October 2008:

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