– Marc Van Der Woude, returned from Norway, has some reflections on the emerging church movement.
– Scot McKnight ponders nu monasticism
– Pastor Jay Raines has uploaded an academic paper on the Emerging Church.
– Rodney Olsen interviews Alan Hirsch about The Forgotten Ways
Technorati Tags: emerging church
I just saw that you are coming to Minneapolis for the Emergence event in May. It should be a great time and I am looking forward to meeting you.
yes – i just posted the details on that. see you there!!!
TSK – small correction. This paper that I uploaded was just an assignment for one class. My dissertation (which I begin this summer) will probably be around 150 pages. I am doing research on – Expository Preaching that Reaches all Generations in Cameron Missouri. The postmodern mind is only a small portion of my ministry field here in Cameron. In fact, I am going to have to work hard to prove that it is here at all.
Here’s what I like about the Emergent Movement: high focus on story, community, and a challenge to empty tradition.
My paper was narrowly focused on Emergent Village type churches. I am looking for churches doing this from a biblically conservative viewpoint. See my post:
Thanks for the link. 🙂
Ken Deeks correctly observes that the emergent church is not a church, technically, and that there is much variety involved — undoubtedly true.
Nonetheless, my brief exploration of the roots of the emergent church suggest that there may well be some significant heresies in the soup. See: http://www.pilgrim-platform.org/emergent.htm
i just read your article and it does not seem very informed to me.
i also do not see any connection with the Universalist church, or PSR.
you call it a new “fad” but many of us have been involved in this for years and even decades. please tell me what you think the roots of the emergent church are because i cannot accept what you have written to be accurate.
Hi Andrew,
Just imagine that you are in a country, where “emerging church” isn’t something that you heard often. And you think that it will be good that young people learn about it and be challenge to pratice. Which book, are you going to choose to translate and publish.
David from France
i wish the French would publish more of their writings in English, especially their new thoughts on gift economy.
as for a book, i would ask my French and french speaking Swiss friends to write a publication that would fit that region. i would not try too hard to translate anything.
we had a great gathering in paris in 2003 and i got to meet a number of emerging church leaders there. matt glock organised the gathering and about 70 were there.
we will be in france in august 2007 but only for some small events.
Thank you very much for your advise. blessings