The REAL Harray Potter over for a chat

Andrew Appleby, the REAL Harray Potter, is in my home for a beer and a chat. He is talking to my wife about pottery and the possibility of doing some work with him next year. The pottery wheel in our workshop belongs to him. Nice guy! Nice pottery! And he lives in the Harray [pronounced “Harry”] area of Orkney . . thus . . the Harray Potter thing

heres a video of Andrew I found on YouTube.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Chris's Blog says:

    Harray Potter

    It was interesting to find this article over at TallSkinnyKiwi, talking about a potter from Harray coming over for a drink and a chat. Why was it interesting? Well its probably not to you but sitting next to my computer is a piece …

  • Chris says:

    Not sure if it’s a problem with your site or mine, but the trackback to this article doesn’t seem to have worked.

  • Hey… as a body worker.. massage… physical therapy person… one day i want to touch the wheel… and see what HE does…. would love to have my first encounter on your home space… please pray for that…
    love ya… cathryn

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