Sheffield and Edinburgh this week.

Tomorrow I will be in Sheffield with CMS folk – including bloggers Jonny Baker, Mark Berry and Richard White. Richard spent some time here in Orkney with me last week. Richard and I will be discussing our ideas on how we could help people start thousands of new missional communities in UK over the next 5 years and the others will be telling us why this will not work. Paul Thaxter and Bob and Mary Hopkins will be there to keep us in line. [If you want to meet with me, I have a free hour at Sheffield’s Devonshire Cat on Tuesday at 9pm and I could have lunch in Edinburgh on Thursday at noon. Let me know]

– Canon Chris Neal will hopefully share on “Mission movement” and how being part of a missional order may give much needed rhythms to simple cell/church movements.

– the England based CMS site has reigned as the number one google ranking for “emerging church” for a long time. It has been knocked off the top of the hill by Wikipedia’s entry.

– Jonny has just added a research page on EmergingChurch,info and kicked it off with his piece on Labyrinths and ritual.



Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


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