Details are online here. Switzerland April 17-19, 2007. I will be there and I think they are going to let me speak on the web/cyberspace/blogging and its relation to the new church planting movements. Subject not confirmed yet but the theme for the conference is . . .
Technorati Tags: church, dawn, mission
Reinhold says:
“The subject will be “Church Planting and the Missional Mandate”. We will have several speakers and inputs, and it will mainly be a working conference.
After some ups and downs in the 90´s, Church planting is on the agenda again. Most denominations have their plans and goals. However, missiologists tell us that we cannot continue to act as if the old “Christendom” mode would still be there. Post-Christendom and postmodern – what does that mean for church planting? Martin Robinson writes: “Many are sensing that a new time is coming for the church in Europe but what exactly is emerging is still unclear. Whereas some are successfully planting churches whose form is familiar, others are attempting initiatives which are hardly recognisable as church at all to many in the main stream. So what is God doing in all this diversity? What should we take note of and how can we learn from and encourage those involved?”
Please come and join us for a vivid interaction during these two days in April. Bring your questions and concerns and let us be part of what you rejoice in. And feel free to pass this invitation to whomever you think should be involved, too.