The worlds largest gathering of Joneses happens today in Cardiff, Wales. So if you are a Jones living within a hundred miles of Cardiff – go and help create the Guinness World Record. HT: Dana Ames
The rest of us Joneses scattered around the world, those poor sods who’s great grandparents left the green green grass of a Welsh home for even greener pastures in the colonies, well, we can go to and take a quiz to how worthy of our last names we really are. I got 5 out of 10. I thought a Jones fracture was in the spine. Maybe it is? Any other Joneses out there who read my blog?
My grandfather was born in this house in Wales. He later moved to Cardiff and then New Zealand. The house is actually 500 years old and was used as a “safe house” for early non-Conformists (Methodists, Weslyans, etc) and other under-cover believers getting persecuted for not following Jesus according to the regulated fashion. You see – persecution for being on the fringe seems to follow us Joneses, no matter where we are.
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When I meet someone with the last name of “Jones,” I enjoy saying to them excitedly, “I married a Jones!!!”
I’m a Jones. Been one all my life 🙂
Yes, I am by nature a Jones! Married a Shields, but Jones is in my blood — love to play games, have fun, be on the water.
we b good breeders, we joneses!