Fillet Steak at a Potluck

Today I weirded out some church people at the local Baptist church. It was harvest festival time and a special pot-luck meal was brought by the parishioners. I brought an eye-fillet steak, sliced thinly on a bed of garlic potatoes. I snuck it in so that no body would see who put it there. Interesting thing was that no one took it. They all went straight for the same dishes that always turn up. No problem. God was impressed. I also cooked a London Broil for the hoi polloi – and that was pretty much eaten up. But the fillet sat there like an offering waiting for fire to heaven to consume it. And that was my worship.

Why did I do it? Well, i bought a lot of meat from the farmer earlier in the week and was thinking about bringing an offering of the first fruits to the church. The harvest festival gave me the perfect opportunity. Why not bring our best to church? Why should we cook crap food for the church because its convenient and economical and then feast on the good stuff all by ourselves?


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • John says:

    Next time you’re in Glasgow, please visit our Farmers’ Markets, then bring your steak to our Baptist church. We promise it won’t be left on the plate for long!

  • Conrad says:

    I love this. I can’t remember when someone last taught me about bringing our first fruits. God bless the giver.

  • actually john – i had the same dish at The Scotsman hotel in Edinburgh and recommended it to a business man a few days ago. Then i thought – why not recreate that dish – steak, on a bed of garlic potatoes, with a small garnish of parsley, and bring it to the potluck?
    and thanks Conrad.
    i should also mention that an Aussie girl had the same idea. She brought something very special to her – a pile of Cherry Ripe chocolate/cherry bars from Australia that her mum had sent to her. I knew it was a big sacrifice to her and i was a little upset that everyone bypassed them because they were not familiar.
    God sees these things.

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