I am reversing my domain mapping and so a few things may not work here until tomorrow. tallskinnykiwi.com will point to tallskinnykiwi,typepad.com very soon. some links will not work and a few recent images. i will fix it soon when i get time.
In the near future, tallskinnykiwi.com will be a place marker for a number of my blogs, not just this one. thanks.
TSK: Honey, I’m home.
Technorati: Oh TSK, do you really think you can just waltz back into my life? Why . .. we’ll just see about that.
Technorati never caught on to my dramatic domain map a few weeks ago and sees different blogs – my old one with plenty of links and my new one with only a few – and thus no credibility at all. i have lost visibility and don’t even appear on the technorati roll call until many days after i post, rather than ten minutes. so i am going back to tallskinnykiwi.typepad.com as main address, even though it is more cumbersome – seems silly to lose 3 years worth of ranking authority.
Heres how you can help:
– if you have linked to anything i have posted in the past 3 weeks with a tallskinnykiwi.com/tallskinnykiwi address, you may want to change it to make it current if it doesnt work.
– if you list my blog on your blog roll [thank you] please use tallskinnykiwi.typepad.com as the address for this blog and NOT tallskinnykiwi.com. that would really really help me out a lot.
and if anyone needs help with domain mapping under typepad and network solutions, i have figured it out and can do it for you, like i did for GetJoy.com yesterday.
Technorati Tags: blogging
I am so behind in updating my blogroll at my site that I don’t have to change your addy back. Oops!
i just noticed that the “header” of your blob is very advertizment looking. not sur if its the colors or what? but it does make you appear “younger!”
just took that one off – just needed a filler until i made a new one for this month
it was a little ugly, wasnt it?
how do you like my “Lamer” image? I took the photo of that bike in Belgium.
Thank you for the recent link on the WTS Emerging Church forum and the resulting traffic. I appreciate the HT.
Oh yeah, I updated the blogroll and RSS reader to reflect your new domain, and am reading some archived posts.
Off-topic. You responding to the comment about Poythress…I highly recommend his “Symphonic Theology” which deals with some issues in the Reformed/Emergent conversation, but I believe is largely unknown to most Emergent folk. Also, this blog is quality:
thanks – look forward to checking that out
Hi Andrew,
Such trouble with domains!, Im having some similar trouble just now and am in a period of blog transition, which is slightly different to your own blog change a while back (Im moving from Blogger to WordPress not typepad)
I am very grateful for my listing on your referrers list but wondered whether you could change my link to point to liambyrnes.com instead of the blogspot address. I am sacrificing my technorati ranking (much higher on the blogspot address) for the sake of design. Wish me luck!
Thanks again
hi liam – yeah – i will change it when i get a mo. front page links are more valuable than post links so its worth the effort.
wordpress is cool and they also allow domain mapping now.
i think typepad and wordpress allow export of posts to another blog engine – pity blogger does not do any of that.