Quite a number of bloggers either taking a break or coming back refreshed after a vow of blog silence including:
Bush League Theologian
I feel VERY refreshed after a month away from the keyboard. I was able to think about my dealings with Babylon, the market as God [false god], my dealings with the blogosphere as one who is in it but not of it. The best book i read during my blog-fast was Colossians Remixed by Brian Walsh and Sylvia Keesmat which also deals with the forces of globalization and postmodenity.
Technorati Tags: blog, blog fast
Andrew – Glad to hear your break was refreshing. It’s good to have you back.
New here and enjoying your blog. (o:
I actually found your blog during your blog fast, and thought it was a terrific idea. Our computer broke last summer, so I was on a forced blog fast for about a month, and I must say, it was very refreshing. I’m thinking of picking a month and making that my blog fasting month all of the time. Well, that’s assuming I am blogging for years to come. Hm. Scary thought… or is it?
Hey Andrew…Isaac Hovet here…I haven’t been by in a while…I am humbled by your humility. Thank you for leading so many. I have found that while we sometimes medicate the lonely silence of our existence with sin, we just as often, as Christians, place idols such as blogging or Bible memorization or serving or or generosity or, or, or…in the space where only Jesus can be found. Our expressions of faith or evidences of His character become the very things that entice us away from Jesus himself. As the devotional masters remind time and again…it is only through fasting and solitude that we can be freed into the life-giving ever-present warmth of Jesus’ utter acceptance and forgiveness. It is only as we come naked and clean before him that we find the peace we so desparately long for. May I be as brave as you to let go of the many idols that are to my demise…-Isaac
Thanks for the comment on my site and the link on yours. I am sure you’re link has driven up my hits for today… not that I check that stuff anymore. 😛
God bless and write that book!