UPDATE: Camping on the island of Papa Westray – next to St Tredwells – a nunnery and pilgrimage site dating back to the 8th Century.
Tredwell (Triduana) was a nun living in the monastery there (you can see the small round island sticking into the loch). A King told her she had beautiful eyes, or so the story goes, and she plucked them out and sent them to him on a stick. Over the centuries, pilgrims with eye problems travelled here to bathe in the waters, but not after walking silently around this loch a few times. And often on their knees.
Originally uploaded by tallskinnykiwi.
Camping at hostel next to st tredwells pilgrimage site.
hey, that’s only only one letter off my maiden name. tell us more about st. tredwells!
ok – soon.
fyi…you might be interested…Fuller professor Dr. Ray Anderson is a guest blogger on my blog, talking about his new book, “An Emergent Theolgy for Emerging Churches”
rhett smith
So how do you post a blog when camping on a remote “raggle of islands”?
glad you asked
for a brief moment, my phone found reception and i was able to send in this photo and a little text.
i have it rigged up to send it to flickr and my blog or both at the same time
now that i am home, i have editedit and added some more text