Some chatter on the internet and suggestions from emails:
– PBS: U2’s Bono got candid about his spiritual life at a recent prayer breakfast. [HT: Brad Culver]
– The Porpoise Diving Life is now online [thanks Brian]
– Alan Hirsch’s recent talk in California was summarized on Sam Metcalf’s blog.
– End of a Spear response from a Youderian family member.
– BeneDiction asks: “Why do bloggers blog? According to Hewitt, “Two reasons: to persuade; and, to leave a record of having been there.” Link
– WeeBeautifulPict, of tartantheology fame, shifts his blog location and offers free downloads of DJ Haggis’s tartan beats on his wee pict player.
– Blogs4God captures the Christian bloggers response on the Mohammed Cartoon Madness.
Technorati Tags: emerging church
Can you help me understand what’s going on with “The End of the Spear” comments? Who’s he talking about and why shouldn’t he have played in the movie? Thanks.
There are also some interesting comments, on the same post-breakfast session PBS covered, at the CCM blog:
heres another blog for god on the cartoon madness
Um, yeah I had no idea why everyone was upset either, but I guess the guy they got to play the lead role is gay man who is apparently quite an activist as well. I guess people are pretty upset that no one is making anything out of it…
My mother in law told me that last night. She said that evangelical Christians are telling eachother to boycott the film. You know, that’s crazy. A movie is a movie and an actor is exactly that-an actor. It all comes back around the the vocality of our sins. If the sin is one of the socially unacceptable ones, we have to boycott whatever it is that is being promoted. For all anyone knows, Jim Caveiezel could have been the most porn hungry man. But because his sins (and we all know he has them…just like the rest of us) weren’t as visible as this guys, many wings of the Church pushed The Passion hardcore. A story is a story. I for one can’t wait to hear it.
ps…this helps us understand mclaren’s stand on homosexuality a little bit more, doesn’t it?
Apostolic/Missional Hirschisms
Sam Metcalf reports his notes from an evening conversation with Alan Hirsch (Forge, TSOTTC; HT:TSK). Lots there, but two samples:
China is an atheistic state forcing the church to act out its essential DNA. The worst thing the government could do is…