Bono, Porpoise Diving Life and Tartan Theology

Some chatter on the internet and suggestions from emails:

PBS: U2’s Bono got candid about his spiritual life at a recent prayer breakfast. [HT: Brad Culver]
– The Porpoise Diving Life is now online [thanks Brian]
– Alan Hirsch’s recent talk in California was summarized on Sam Metcalf’s blog.

– End of a Spear response from a Youderian family member.

BeneDiction asks: “Why do bloggers blog? According to Hewitt, “Two reasons: to persuade; and, to leave a record of having been there.” Link

WeeBeautifulPict, of tartantheology fame, shifts his blog location and offers free downloads of DJ Haggis’s tartan beats on his wee pict player.

Blogs4God captures the Christian bloggers response on the Mohammed Cartoon Madness.

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


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