Connected Again

OhhhYeahBabyUhHuh!!! We just got ADSL connected at our new apartment. OhhhhhhYeah. Only 1 Meg this time because I was too cheap to fork out for 2 Megs. So . . . instead of blogging from the local library or the neighbours computer, I get to blog from my Mac Mini, write the blog posts on my blog editor (Ecto) and datamine the world with my own NewsReader (Netnewswire Lite). And my movies and images are only a click away. Can’t tell you how good this feels. Its the virtual equivalent of coming home to a warm fire, putting on my slippers, and drinking a hot chocolate.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Alan Hartung says:

    You should upgrade your NetNewsWire! The podcasting features are great, as well as some other goodies.
    Of course, if you do all of your podcasts through iTunes now, maybe it’s not worth it. Hmmm…

  • bobbie says:

    welcome back! we’ve miss you! any news on the house?? still praying!

  • andrew says:

    didnt get the house – thanks for asking.

  • Bob says:

    Ah, the Mac mini…its a beautiful thang! First thing I did after getting dsl hooked up was to fire up an Airport Express. The mini sits upstairs, the iBook goes wherever I want it. 🙂 Of course, I don’t actually hit your site as often due to Netnewswire, is that why you’re not a top 500 anymore? 😉

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