Kester Brewin has created The Complex Christ Blog, an extension to his excellent book.
His church Vaux closed recently and is looking to rebirth into something new in London. Vaux existed for 7 incredible years. I first visited in 2000. I took some video and wrote about it in artlcles like “Is This The Next New Worship?“. For many Americans reading those articles, Vaux was their introduction to alt. worship and the emerging church scene in UK.
why do we have to call it “his” and “church” and that it is “looking to rebirth into something new?”
why can’t we just say people who had gotten together to do something beautiful and interesting for 7 years wanted rest, to stop, call it quits.
interesting semantic choices, all i’m saying. we need to say hi at greenbelt this year. missed you in 2003 and wasn’t there last year.