Baptist Talk [Updated]

“Ed Stetzer provided the other highest water mark. He defined missional as “a church on mission in its setting,” which was fine for a starting definition, but could have been a little stronger by including the incarnational aspect of it. He busted the SBC wide open by reminding us that the culture that we are the most connected to is the culture of 1954.” Marty Duran

 stolen from steve mccoy (thanks)

Steve McCoy has the skinny on the bloggers, the talks, and what really mattered at the Southern Baptist Convention last week.

– A number of us will be at the Baptist World Alliance Congress but so far we will not have a high profile role. Pete Grieg (24/7 Prayer) will be sharing whats going on with prayer and boiler rooms and Simon Hall (Revive) will be organizing something subversive. I will be there to cheer them on. So will Si Johnston (, Shannon Hopkins and others

Marty’s post on the Convention is called “It Has Begun”. BIG steps forward towards ministry in the emerging culture.

– In my opinon, the Southern Baptists have had an early start in this journey. In 1997 (or was it 96?) I was a part of a group of 15 young leaders flown in to Georgia by the NAMB to discuss these issues among ourselves for 3 days and then present them to the SBC leadership – Chris Seay was in that group, and was also a speaker last week at the convention. Good one Chris!

– Ed Stetzer and Elmer Towns have a book out called Perimeters of Light: Biblical Boundaries for the Emerging Church (HT: Challies) Has anyone reviewed the book? (Update: Challies just did here) – looks like a really good book and i will order it.

[i met Elmer Towns on his “Most Innovative Church Tour” when he came to Portland, OR. Nice guy. Good to see him tapping into some missiology again after the church growth movement]

– We are working with the Baptist Convention of Texas to host an emerging church gathering in Austin next March, in conjunction with the SXSW festival. This will be the 4th gathering of emerging church practitioners and leaders since “Ecclesia” in 1999.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • Tim says:

    I’ll be reviewing Perimeters of Light in the next day or two. Do realize that “Emerging Church” does not really equal Emergent Church.

  • Andrew Jones says:

    thanks Tim
    on this blog, “emerging church” (the newly forming expressions of church) and “emergent church” (church organization exhibits emergent behaviour such as decentralized leadership, simple structures, etc) are also different and yet I often use them interchangeably. Along with the word “Emergent-Missional church”, which links the global movement inside the emerging culture with the last 150 years of contextual missiological thinking in the Protestant world.
    And Emergent church does not equal but EmergentVillage (post-Young Leaders) is one expression of Emergent Church, albeit a highly intellectual discussion. (with really big words like “contextual missiology”)
    Glad that is sorted
    Looking forward to hearing the review

  • Marty Duren says:

    Thanks for your visit to the SBCOutpost and for your quote here. You have set quite a standard for the rest of the blogosphere, and I hope to continually improve. God bless.

  • Convention 2005

    This post will remain up for the entire convention.

  • Steve McCoy says:

    Thanks Andrew. I was able to meet with Chris last night for a bit. He’s really a good guy, down to earth.

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