Jars of Clay Owe Me One

Jars of Clay owe me one. When Scott, the leader of the Billy Graham team, asked me what band they should invite to play at the San Francisco crusade in 1997 [i am showing off here, just allow me this one] I thought for a few seconds and then said “Jars of Clay!”

Scott: Jars of Clay? We have never worked with them. We usually get DC Talk and groups like that.

TSK: Trust me. Jars of Clay rock, dude, they totally have the vibe that San Franscico is grooving under.

Scott: What?

TSK: Just trust me.

And so, Jars of Clay played, and rocked, and backed up the big BG before he preached. (Thats Billy Graham for you young people devoid of history.)

I have been rocking out, every day at my computer, with the “Jars of Clay” album by the band called . . . um . . Jars of Clay. Really a CLASSIC. I love the violin and the kids voices. I bought the CD back in 1996 when we lived in the Tenderloin District of San Francisco and all my memories of that city are flavored with that soundtrack.

Jars of Clay play tonight at Cory Newell’s Dwelling Place in Hampton at 7pm. Directions. Cory  – tell them that they OWE ME ONE!


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • dave paisley says:

    That debut album is incredible. Liquid, Flood, Love Song For a Savior – all brilliant. And since then no two albums have been alike. Very creative band.

  • I dig Jars as well, but I once went to see Billy Graham – not because I had ANY interest in hearing/seeing him – simply because Johnny & June Cash were leading the worship there. It was lovely. Johnny, I mean. I slept through Billy, until Johnny began again during the alter-call. 😉

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