Worship Leader Interviews 5

The Emerging Conversation: Unabridged: 5 Leaders are interviewed on the latest Worship Leader Mag online and the tallest, skinniest of the 5 is myself. Worth a read.

“I think the ”what“ of my mission might be greater than the ”who.“ Jesus came to seek and to save ”what“ was lost, not just ”who.“ And God is reconciling ALL things to himself and sharing this ministry with us. It is very possible that the pilgrimage of my family is a prophetic act that is helping to restore the gentle rule of God in this world in many areas, most of which will be unknown to me until I get to the other side.”

Andrew Jones (me) on the question “To whom is your mission?” More . .


Thats me in the corner, losing my religious books. Gosh – am i really losing my hair? No wonder i wear that stinkin’ hat all the time!

The other leaders are all good friends of mine and its an honor to be included next to them – Tony Jones, Dan Kimball, Karen Ward and Brian McLaren. I liked the interview process and the fact that they pretty much published everything we said. I slipped them the silly photo with me and all the books and they went with it.

Worship Leader published an article of mine in 2002 on alternative worship, but it was only on the paper version. Great to see this stuff online and linkable. Hope the link still works next month. Those who buy the mag will get to read the full article by Chuck Smith Jr on “What is Emerging?”. Thanks to everyone at Worship Leader for being good sports.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • Sivin says:

    I’m really happy to see Karen in there!

  • I discovered Cowboy Church a year ago, went to the Ranchhouse School, cowboy’d up, and was led to a well know restaurant/honky tonk. In 5 months the Lord has grown our crowd to 80 showin’ up for grub (gospel brunch) and church on the porch with recording artists each Sunday. It’s church simple with real Texans. Boots, jeans, hats, come as you are. Very much like postmodern planting, except assumption with country music fans is that there is a God, and Jesus is probably Him.
    The Dallas Morning News did a huge article that has been printed all over the USA (google “narrow trail cowboy church”). God is saying he wants us out of the brick boxes and reaching the “unreached people groups” outside.
    Oh, and the southern Baptists are the one’s planting. 28 end of last year, 38 end of Feb, 9 ready to launch. It is grassroots and they are bursting out of the ground.

  • andrew says:

    Sivin – me too. i helped karen blogging way back here and its great to see her shine.
    And cowboy preacher, i blogged about the texas cowboy church and an early article here>/a> in 2002 when i met them. great people – although their red meat diet might raise a few eyebrows.

  • Dan Kimball was just at Solomon’s Porch on Sunday. I was back for the weekend and was glad to get to chat with him for awhile.

  • magz says:

    Yeah, I definitely think your family pilgrimage is prophetic. The way you live is inspiring and freeing. It gives those who encounter you permission to throw off the invisible ‘norms’ which choke us all. I reckon being around Jesus must have been pretty similar! Challenging, not always ‘comfortable’ but ultimately, freeing. magz

  • geo says:

    Reconciling ALL THINGS? That is the true message of the Gospel of Jesus that can free the captives of religion!

  • adam says:

    i receive the mag. thought it was nice of them to give you guys props.

  • djchuang.com says:

    the emerging church question

    I’m often asked the question: what is the emerging church? I’ll go on record now, and confess that I’ve struggled with coming up with an answer, hemming and hawing about how it’s amorphous, it’s a conversation, it’s hard to explain, it’s not really any…

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