SWIM: New Blogging Software

Swimlogo“It is Finished!” says Joshua Rudd on his blog. He is referring to SWIM, the info management + blogging software that he has just completed and is offering it free to private users.

Joshua and Kristin are good friends from Dallas, and Joshua is the only Christian blogger I know who started before me (he started RearViewWindow.com in 1996). As well as being involved in the emerging church scene, Joshua was a web designer and [a] creator of the official USA website for some weird Finnish phone company called Nokia. I look forward to seeing how the software works out.

UPDATE: read first comment (by Joshua) for a fuller treatment and inclusion of Dan Miller.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • Joshua Rudd says:

    Woah, hey. i can’t take that much credit! While i was blogging in 1996 and contracted with Nokia USA from 1997-99 as a production designer (and can’t take credit for their website), SWIM is the brainchild of one Daniel Miller (danielsjourney.com), who also happens to be my co-conspirator over at under[de]construction, LLC (underde.com).
    i began working on SWIM with Daniel last autumn, designing and developing the user interface and helping architect the features — but most of the credit and recognition should go to Daniel. SWIM was an idea he gave birth to some years ago.

  • Andrew says:

    Thanks Josh
    people who love you very much told me it was yours – i will edit the original post to reflect the updated info.

  • Hey Andrew, is that the revoultionary blogsoftware that you announced a few months ago?

  • Andrew says:

    no . . . still waiting for that to be released. you will hear when it is out

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