Choraoke Material

We have been rocking out to my latest finds in UK’s fabulous thrift stores. Added recently to my collection of the world’s cheesiest religious records, is “I’ve Discovered The Way”. I bought the record a few days ago simply because of the cool cover. But having played the record this morning, and tuning in to…

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Digital Convergence

Marc Canter is pushing “Digital Lifestyle Aggregation” and Robin Good says “Personal Media Aggregators” are the road to create instant-vertical-communities. Either way, people are agreed that it is the seamless integration of technologies that will add value to our lives, and not one single technology by itself. I have seen this work in blogdom –…

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BlogFast over

The One week of silence was really good – something monastic about a blog fast – the discipline of silence, the virtue of constraint, the death of ego and the self-crucifixion of my blog – And there were times when i found WiFi and could have posted some thoughts, but i managed to resist. But…

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