EmergAnt.: A One Week Tour


I am kicking off a one week tour of the emerging church, at least . . how I see the emerging church and how I would describe it to OLDER people who may not understand it. Every day, over the next week, I hope to introduce 10 characteristics of the emerging church, tackle the hairy subjects of definition (our failed attempts) and criticisms of the emerging church, and also mention some of the opportunities and resources available to and out of the emerging church.


Why am I doing this?

1. Because in a weeks time, I will be giving a presentation on the emerging church around the world to some organizations in USA that would like to get behind it. It would be really helpful to me if some of you would read these ideas for the sake of mutual accountability and to add your additional resources and information and links.

One of the end goals will be a new web site with everything about the emerging church ALL ON ONE SINGLE PAGE which will be a huge help to those people struggling to make sense of this massive labyrinth of scattered and hidden information about the emerging church.

2. Because I am getting sick of talking about it, repeating myself, saying the same things again and again, repeating myself (did i say that already?) and i would like to have some clarity and closure before I move on to other things.

3. Although the emerging church makes sense to us, and we have been blogging and discussing it for years, there are some people out there who still have no idea what we are talking about – they need it spelled out in their own language – with points, with logical progression, with their own language. I used to be able to do that well – now I have to dig deep to speak that way, but I will give it a shot.

4. If the more traditional organziations, denominations and foundations are able to understand the emerging church, then they will be better equipped to serve it, give helpful criticism and guidance, support it, and find ways to integrate what they are doing with what we are doing. And we all want unity and collaboration. Right?

So . . . . let me get the first one.



Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


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