Some Blogging History

CNN : “When 100 people downloaded Movable Type during the first hour of its release in September 2001, the Trotts decided to run their own business from their bedroom, drawing the inspiration for the company name from their nearly identical age — Ben and Mena were born six days apart in 1977.

”We were just looking for something to subsist on,“ Ben said. ”We figured if we ever got 3,000 users, we would just close the (TypePad) service and make it invitation only.“

The Skinny on Typepad? I joined up within the first few weeks and am very happy with the service.

Compared to Blogger? When you have a problem, Typepad helps you out in person. Blogger is too big to notice you.

However, what i am calling the ”4th Generation“ blogging software is just around the corner. Perhaps within a month. And it is possible that i will be moving on to road test it.

4 Generations of Blogging:

Generation 1 – manual entering of date, hypertext, no templates – This is how i built my ”Andrews Tea Salon“ (1997)

Generation 2 – automatic archiving, online editing. enters the scene and is used for TallSkinnyKiwi (2001)

Generation 3 – lists, comments, categories, off-line blog editors, xml, RSS. Tallskinnykiwi switches to Typepad (2003). Categories was the feature that most appealed to me.

Generation 4 – ????? I promised the software engineers that i would not talk about it until the beta version comes out. But let me say this – where we are going . . . you wont have to upload those photos . . .

4th Generation blogging will probably give rise to a new blogging strategy

Generation 1: Being heard

Generation 2: Being linked

Generation 3: Being found

Generation 4; Being open


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


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