People wonder how i manage to survive inside mission agencies and traditional denominations. But the real question is “How do they survive with me inside them?”
Case in point: Group email response this morning around 5am.
“Reinhold asks: “As for our June meeting: the only move we can make is one week later, i.e. June 23-26 on the Orkneys. Andrew, all depends on you: can you make that happen? Please answer asap….”
Andrew answers, asap, with firm response, immediate and timely, yet gentle as the spring breeze over Orkney waters . . . He puts down his pencil, ponders over his schedule, and allows his mind to scan the various venues fit for a meeting of the world’s finest strategists, men and women of valor and insight, with taste for Scottish beef and salmon, can it happen . . . Can it happen . . . . Can it happen . . .. His pause gives way to answer .. . .. . .