Another boring business email

People wonder how i manage to survive inside mission agencies and traditional denominations. But the real question is “How do they survive with me inside them?”

Case in point: Group email response this morning around 5am.

“Reinhold asks: “As for our June meeting: the only move we can make is one week later, i.e. June 23-26 on the Orkneys. Andrew, all depends on you: can you make that happen? Please answer asap….”

Andrew answers, asap, with firm response, immediate and timely, yet gentle as the spring breeze over Orkney waters . . . He puts down his pencil, ponders over his schedule, and allows his mind to scan the various venues fit for a meeting of the world’s finest strategists, men and women of valor and insight, with taste for Scottish beef and salmon, can it happen . . . Can it happen . . . . Can it happen . . .. His pause gives way to answer .. . .. . .



Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.

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