4 Square Conference

I am writing on a train between Frankfurt and Dresden. The conference is over, and my job is done. I feel like i did

OK – And i feel greatly encouraged by the 120 people who were there. They have given me a stack of papers with poems, thank-yous, prophetic images and pictures of trees and cactus and ant trails. All very encouraging. I hope to post some photos right here within a few days – come back and see!! In the meantime, read on for more details. Germans who are visiting here for the first time – velcom . . i mean vilkommen . . i mean welcome . . and you can comment on this post if you like.

Here is the beginning of my thoughts about the conference and some of the people there.

PHOTOS COMING SOON, and other items of interest . . .

Keith Warrington was the other speaker. Weirdly enough, he and his wife are also from New Zealand. REALLY nice people – YWAM background. When he told me he had a strong message for the first morning, i decided to play second fiddle and support his message. I picked up where he left off – Paul teaching the Ephesians – i did the Tree By the River movement with them.

Yohannes was often my translator, and the one who drove me to Frankfurt. He has been giving leadership to much of the youth work in Germany. I saw him the first time in 2001, at an event called Emerge. But he doesn’t remember that. We officially met last year in Switzerland, when i was speaking at the Europe-wide 4 Square Conference.

Robby is a graphic designer and a church planter. His wife is Claudia. He had discovered the “Yahweh” track on U2’s recent album a week ago, and thought it was a great idea to do some U2 worship karaoke.

Mattias was my sound guy. I told him to really crank the sound for my worship karaoke – he got in trouble with some people, bu ti told him i would take the blame. Mattias pumped out U2’s “Yahweh” track and i projected a German video loop on the wall, together with the sliding karaoke lyrics that I created in Arkaos. It turned out to be a good fun experience. That was the first time i had ever led worship karaoke at a conference. I am glad they let me. A few people complained to me about the noise but hey . .

you just have to have some volume with Karaoke – or no one will sing. It was really loud, but not nearly as loud as some of the worship experiences i have been a part of. – when the DJ’s are pumping out huge beats, and young people are crowding around the speakers, throwing their heads into the sound, feeling the vibes . . you know . . . and that was a Southern Baptist youth camp in California.

Heinrich was a youth pastor for 55 years. He is now 80 and is still learning and ministering. We all want to be like Heinrich – we want to finish the race God has marked out before us. And when we have crossed the line, we want to spend the rest of our time running victory laps. i asked Heinrich to pray for me, so that i also might live long, and last the journey.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • Eicke says:

    Hi Andrew,
    remember you met me at the conference, the guy who ask you about open source. I want to thank you for your message. I really feel encouraged to try new trails and ideas. The link to the watchwords site is: http://www.losung.de/. Here you can get programs for your computer, Palm, screen saver… to display a choosen biblical verse in nearly 20 languages.
    BTW I like your australian accent (Willkommen).
    GBY Eicke

  • robby777 says:

    Villkommen said the Kiwi, and threw a message of post-modern-church-ideas in a locker full of pre-modern-church-thinkers. They felt quiet squeezed by the loud Karaoke, the virtual seminar-room and some other geekie toys. But some of them ware longing for new ideas, new media ways and a God-experience of today. Hopefully the locker will expand and grow not only by size, but also by heart for a post-modern-society out there – or in here. Love to 4-square Germany – you can do it – be bold be strong – 4 the God, your God, is with you.
    Thanks Andrew 4 your boldness to get the things across, witch had to be said. And the time together – it was important 4 me, to meet once again somebody with a heart for networking and freeing people.

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