Web Upgrades for 24-7 and CE

2 more upgraded websites to look at. (Thanks Marc for the tip)

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1. 24-7 Prayer. They showed me a preview of this one when i was with them in Spain a few months ago. Looks good, ay?


2. Connect Europe. A much better looking site for this great network, which is very similar to 24-7 Prayer, since the leaders of both groups know each other well, and both movements got their start with a powerful pilgrimage to Herrnhut a German town where a 100 year prayer meeting took place. Moravians (Czechs who moved there to escape persecution) from Herrnhut were sent out as missionaries all over the world and had great success – they even helped to design khaki in India and helped develop the cocoa bean industry to Ivory Coast – but thats another blog post . . .

I visited Herrnhut (it means Lord’s House) a few years ago – very cool to see the community which is still functioning – but nothing miraculous happened to me. Maybe I should have prayed harder?


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.

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