Moving to Orkney (updated)

UPDATE: ahhhhhhhh . . .we be here . . . at last. what a long and exhausting trip!!! Thanks for your prayers and thoughts – we felt God’s covering the whole time.

We couldnt get back in the country at the border. They told us to go to Lille, France and apply there for a missionary visa. Which we did. The consulate people in Lille could not issue visas, so we went to Brussels. YES! BRUSSELLS, BELGUIM. And they could not help us either. So we went back to Calais and they let us in on a 6 month tourist visa. We were exhausted by the time we returned to our house in London. We picked up our caravan, thankful that it was still there on the road, with all our stuff, and we drove up north a bit and spent the night in a rest area. Surprising how all 7 of us can sleep in our van. We drove all day and stayed the following night in a rest area near Perth. Next day we took a ferry from Aberdeen. A 6 hour trip and very rough. Most people were sick. Vomit City! And we eventually arrived at our new house at 2 in the morning.

Having said all that, the house is great, orkney is great. We were welcomed by our neighbors and some new friends. And we are very excited about being here.

No internet access in our house right now so i will be visiting this internet cafe until we get things figured out.

always enough room for everything
This is it. All our possessions are being loaded up. We are cleaning the house and getting ready to leave today to Orkney Islands, north of Scotland. And we are traveling by way of France (have to get new visas). You can read why here, although we probably wont know why God is sending us up here until much later.
Appreciate prayers for FAVOUR at the border so we can get a missionary visa for UK – Americans can pray for FAVOR.
And pray for safety in driving, for us to stay awake all night, and for our tires to hold up with all the weight. Our £150 caravan is our moving truck, along with roof-space on our van. Not as bad as this picture though . . .


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • will says:

    Our prayers are with you on this new journey. We will pray for favor at the border and for God’s continued blessing on your ministry.

  • Jonny says:

    Great image!
    I hope and pray it all goes well.
    [but… if your tires die near Nottingham and you need a hand give us a call.]

  • Jed says:

    will be praying for phavor and safety as you go — blessings on you.

  • shannon says:

    hey andrew–i am so excited you are on your way. i will be praying for everything to go smoothly. see you once you are settled in!

  • Rob Lewin says:

    we’re a prayin’

  • David says:

    This is huge! Sort of like a L’Abri type ministry. Very exciting. God bless.

  • bobbie says:

    praying and missing your updates. can you get a dish installed at the monastery so there is contact? we’d love updates! hope all of the visa stuff went smoothly and that abigail is back to full health!

  • jimmy says:

    andrew…you and your family are in my family’s prayers. what an exciting, nerve-racking, mysterious, overflowing time this must be for you and your family. We’ll pray that it goes as well as it could and God’s hand holds you up the whole way during this next journey in your life.

  • Katy Raymond says:

    The prophecy about the Scottish returning to their land made me weep. My father is from Scotland, and my husband and I dream of being there for more than a short trip. Many blessings on your new life and mission!

  • maggi says:

    go well, and keep warm!

  • Susan says:

    Andrew and Family, Blessings, prayers, and grace for all of you as you journey to your new adventure and home. I remember your departure from Prague. I guess it looks and feels similiar, the needs that call for the Makers hand to provide. Know that I am praying and will continue to pray for you all. Please contact us with details of your new address. I think this is really good stuff. Lots of love,

  • bobbie says:

    thanks for the update. will be praying for those missionary visas!
    glad to hear you’re safe. is abigail back to her healthy self?? been praying for that too!
    can’t wait to hear more!

  • Joe says:

    I hope you weren’t crowded when on that caravan.

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