Birthday parties in the house

Tonight is an early birthday party for me . . yes . . ME . . . because some of my friends leave for USA in a few days, and I am relying on them all to give me lots of presents and attention. So tonight’s pizza party is also my official birthday party. But my birthday is actually Sep 7, and i will be in Habbo hotel (either Suddenly Seminary or Boaz Lounge) for a while around 7-8pm london time.
Yesterday was Jessica’s birthday. She is over here for a week to celebrate her birthday with us. Si Johnston and Emily were there. Shannon also. Shannon is here right now getting ready for the pizza. Maggie and PT (Duo blog) are coming also.
I have had my nose in a 2 books all day – Emergence by Steve Johnson. Good reading. I am busy writing up a strategy for number of mission groups who want to start churches. The emergent theory stuff is helping me in my thinking. Thats about it. i feel good. My mind is clicking on again (it took a holiday over the summer) and the family is well., In fact the presence of God in our house was noticably strong last night, which is a very good thing. Blessings on you all. Have a great weekend. See you here Monday night for a chat with Renee, and Tuesday for my birthday.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Hutch says:

    Andrew –
    Let’s pretend for a moment that I am a total schmuck and know nothing about the Emergent Church. Let’s also pretend I’m cheap and don’t want to buy a book. Can you point me to a site in a super basic way breaks down the characteristics of an Emergent Church. Also the differences between that and the “traditional church” as I’ve seen it called a few places.
    Thanks for pretending with me. 🙂

  • Lisa says:

    Happy Birthday, Andrew! Many blessings for the coming year for you and all the Joneses. Thanks again for your hospitality.

  • Mike Morrell says:

    Hey Andrew–happy birthday! I think you’re old and wise enough to write a book now. ; )
    I just wanted to let you know, your ‘blog was mentioned in print here in the states, in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution; it happened to be in an article about me.
    You can check the piece out online here . You do have to create a user account; but its quick and spam-free.
    By the way, Hutch: A super & free resource can be found at

  • Ron says:

    Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Andreeewwwww! Happy Birthday to you!
    Hey, it beats the heck out of hearing me sing to you.
    Love you bro,

    My birthday’s Sept. 6 so happy b-day to me.

  • will says:

    Happy Birthday!!! God’s blessings on you for another year of living out the gospel.

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