Sep 11 Evangelist

Sujo John called out to Jesus from the World Trade Center. Now he is telling the story of Jesus worldwide . . .

From Wolfgang Simson’s Friday Fax email:

USA: from teenager in Calcutta to international evangelist
“A survivor’s testimony from the Sept. 11, 2001, World Trade Center disaster
has catapulted him into an evangelistic ministry that he claims has resulted in
more than 30,000 decisions for Christ,” writes Charisma News. Calcutta-born
29-year-old Sujo John thought he would die when a plane crashed into the North
tower two floors above him. He shouted “Jesus!” and called out to those around
him, telling them to call on Jesus as their saviour. “All around me, I heard
people calling out ‘Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!’, then the building collapsed with a
deafening noise,” he recalls. Others died under the falling debris, but he
managed to escape. The following day, he wrote an e-mail to around 20 of his
friends and family, telling them that he and his wife Mary, who worked in the
South tower, had survived, commenting on how fragile life is. They forwarded
his e-mail to others, and they did the same. His e-mail finally reached
thousands of people all around the nation. Many of them called John, and some
gave their lives to Christ on the telephone. The media caught on to the story,
and bombarded him with interview requests. Following his TV appearances,
hundreds of people called him, wanting to be saved. “Sujo speaks about the
ultimate truths in life in a very profound yet simple way,” says Cheryl Wilcox
of the Christian programme ‘The 700 Club’. He was receiving speaking requests
from all over the nation, so he worked Mondays to Fridays, and travelled to
preaching engagements on the weekends. In April 2004, he could no longer cope
with the double load, so resigned from his job and became a full-time
evangelist. He says that a missionary prophesied over him while a teenager in
Calcutta, telling him “God has a plan for your life. He will one day use you to
reach millions of people all over the world.” Sujo has seen that prophecy
fulfilled; he has visited over 270 cities in the USA, Canada, England, Ireland,
Norway and India.
Source: and Sujo John’s homepage


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.

1 Comment

  • Brian Orme says:

    I heard Sujo speak at a youth conference the summer after Sept. 11 – it was powerful…Amazing story about God’s power and protection in a dark time.

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